Galangal dried root | Siamy Natural Herbal Drink for health

Galangal (Alpinia galanga, Languas galanga), Siamese root or “kha” in Thai language is an East Asian tropical shrub with lance-like leaves, iris-like flowers, and reddish brown, woody rhizomes, belonging to the ginger family. This cousin of ginger is prized in Thai cuisine for its extraordinary citrus-like flavor in soups and its burst of herbal heat in curry pastes. In its fresh form, its color ranges from delicate ivory to warm brown, depending on its exact variety and age. Round and plump with lots of thumb-like protrusions, it’s always encircled with dark rings along the rounded chunks.

Unlike ginger, the fresh galangal has more intense aroma, a little resembling saffron and cardamom with little citrus and pine overtones. When dried, galangal get in addition a little sweet cinnamon aroma.

Galangal is a good source of fiber. It is rich in iron and sodium, contain vitamin A, C, and also very valuable flavonoids and phytonutrients, such as emodin, beta-sitosterol, quercetin, and galangin.

Traditionally, the fresh or dried root is used in Asian cuisine. It is an essential ingredient of such famous Thai soups as “Tom Yum” and “Tom Kha”. By the way, the word “kha” in the second soup’s name just mean “galangal”.
Sometimes galangal is also called “Russian root” or “Russian ginger”, because usually it was delivered to Europe via Russia. Russian people have been using this root already more than 300 years. Main usages are Russian traditional sweet ginger bread (“pryanik”) and flavoring variety of beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Along with other Siamy products when used regularly, it helps promote a healthier life style and well-being.

Benefits of Galangal

  • improves digestion
  • effective against respiratory diseases
  • ease rheumatic pain
  • help against dizziness and nausea
  • reduce fever
  • helps blood to circulate well
  • have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
Contraindications: Individual intolerance. Patients with peptic ulcer should consume carefully.

Suggestions for use

  1. Use dried root as a substitute of fresh one when cooking. For better effect soak dried slices in lukewarm water for 30-40 minutes for softening. When preparing soups the soaking is not necessary.
  2. Galangal herbal drink. Take small slice (4-6g) of dried galangal, flush with fresh cold water, then put into glass teapot and add 250 ml of freshly boiled water. Let the drink to infuse 10-15 minutes. It can be served either hot or cold.

Tips. You can add some natural sweetener (for example, stevia), honey or sugar to taste. You can also try a combined herbal drink made from galangal and lemongrass.


In dry cool place, away of heat and direct sunlight, in tightly closed container.


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